
Büyük Çerkes sürgününde (1864), Kafkasya'nın Şapsığ bölgesinden Anadolu’ya göç ederek Afyon yöresinde yerleşen Hakhurat adlı bir Adige ailesindendir. 1934 yılında Dinar ilçesine bağlı Yapağlı köyünde doğdu. Istanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi’ni bitirdi (1965). Anadolu'nun çeşitli yörelerinde mesleği ile ilgili görevlerde bulundu. Orman Genel Müdür yardımcılığı ve Orman Köy Ilişkileri (ORKÖY) Genel Müdürlüğü yaptı.


1960'lı yıllardan başlayarak mesleki yazıları yanında "Birleşik Kafkasya", " Kuzey Kafkasya" (Istanbul), "Kafkasya" (Ankara) dergilerinde sürekli olarak atayurdu Kafkasya ve sürgündeki Kafkasyalıların sorunlarıyla ilgili öyküleri ve yazıları yayımlandı. "Kafkas Kültür Derneği" (Istanbul), "Kafkasyalılar Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği" (Istanbul), "Şamil Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı" (Istanbul), "Kuzey Kafkasya Kültür Derneği" (Ankara) başta olmak üzere bir çok Kafkas kültür kuruluşunun çalışmalarına aktif olarak katılmış, bazılarında kurucu üyelik ve yöneticilik yapmıştır.


Kitap olarak yayınlanan yapıtları: "Nartlar" (Kafkas Hikayeleri, Istanbul 1976), "Kafe-Han Kızının Şarkısı" (Tiyatro, Ankara 1985), Genar-Kafkasya: I" (Tarihi Roman; Ankara 1985), "Odun Şavaşı" (Tiyatro, Ankara 1986), "Kazanuko Jabağ" (Tarihi Roman, 1986), "Efsaneler Hikayeler Portreler" (Ankara 1987), "Islamda Avcılık" (Araştırma, Ankara 1987), "Düşüncenin bıraktığı izler" (Fikir ve Eleştiri Yazıları, Ankara 1988) "Kuzey Kafkasya Gezi notları" (Ankara 1990), Ingiliz Belgelerinde Türkiye ve Kafkasya" (Ankara 1992) "Genar- Kafkasya: I", "savaş Nesilleri, Kafkasya: II", "Zorunlu Göç-Kafkasya: III" (Ankara 1994), "Nasrettin hoca" basılacak.




Mr. Osman Çelik Was born in 1934. He was educadet in foresty after graduations of primary, secondary and Hing School (Lycee). He has graduated form the School of Foresty (Foresty Faculty of Istanbul Universty) in 1965. after he had done his military service, he started working as a forest engineer on various in Turkey more than 20 years. then he has got his ministrial zppointment as assistans director of General Directorate of Forestry and Director General of forest and Rural Relations under Turkish Ministry of Forestry.


Mr. Çelik is a forest engineer; besides, he is interested in literatuere and social events and in writing short stories, novels and plays. His fifteen works (books) have been already published. Most of them is about Caucasian people.


When Tzarist Rusia has occupied the territories of the Caucasia, it has met with great resistance of caucasian people. In 1864, the last people resistance of the Caucasia were broken up by the Russian Force, then the peopleto be forced for immigration . Mr. Çelik's grandfather was one of the immigrants has settled down in Anatolia in Turkey. Mr. Çelik showed an interest in his works on home-lands where his ancester came from. He has started in studying of the events happened in there almost to be forgotten. He wrote lost of books about Caucaia. Especially one of them is called "Caucasian series" consist of tree volumes. The tragic lives of Caucasian people were explained in that works are follewed:

Name of the book


Date of Publish, Place

Caucsion Stories (Narths)


Istanbul, 1976

Khan Gril's Song


Ankara, 1985

Caucsion-I (Genar)


Ankara, 1985

Struggle for Wood


Ankara, 1986

Kazanuko Jabağ


Ankara, 1986

Legends, Stories and Portaits


Ankara, 1987

Hunting in Islam


Ankara, 1987

Traces of Thought


Ankara, 1988

Notes About Journey To Caucasia


Ankara, 1988

English Documents about Turkey and


Ankara, 1992

Genar (Caucasia-1)


Ankara, 1994

Generations of the (War Caucasia-2)


Ankara, 1994

Oblicatory Immigration (Caucasia-3)


Ankara, 1994

Yunus Emre


Ankara, 1994

War Diary of the President


Ankara, 1995

Hodja Nasrettin




Notes about books


1) Caucasia Stories

Consists of then Stories. It is actually called research about Caucasian people. Story topics are selected from Caucasia and the people on the way of immirgration.

2)khan Gril's song

The play based on the legend of the Caucasian people.

3) Stuggle for Wood

This is a play about Turkish Forestry.

4) Kazanuka jabağ


The rumours in the peoples' mind are used as source meterial for the fiction.

5) Legends, stories and Portraits

In the book,old and new stores are toldby the peopleis unified. In addition to that tyrpical indiluals living in villages are explained.

6) Hunting in Islam


This is Hafız Yakup şükrü Efend's book. Mr. Çelik was edited by. adding extra passeges.

7)Traces of thought


Articles published in varios magazines are unified in this book.

8) Notes About Journey to North Caucasia

The author has spent a couple weeks in North Caucasia, then he wtore the events happened on the way of Maykop.

9) English Documents Turkey and Caucasia

This is a translation of the English documents have been published one hundred fifty years ago by officials.

10) Caucasia-1 (Genar)
Caucasia-2 (Generations of the war)
Caucasia-3 (Obligatory immigration)

Mr. Çelik spent 20 years to write these fictions.The first one is published in 1985. The others took nine years for completion.

11)Yunus Emre

This is bioraphy of Yunus Emre well-known poet who lived in anatolian Seljuk state. this fiction contains so many events related to him in addition to that thelife of poet and his thoughts are explsined in details.

12) The War Diary of the President


The Russian's itervention to Cecenia are explained in this play.

13) Hodja Nasreddin

Hodja lived in 1208-1284. Hodja'slife and his sayings are edited in this fiction.